
If you carry a balance on your credit cards, you could be spending hundreds, if not thousands, on interest charges each year. Fortunately, many cards offer introductory rates that can lower interest or even bring it down to zero temporarily if you transfer a balance. Just check for balance transfer fees first to make sure the savings are worth any cost, and be wary of potential pitfalls. Once a balance is transferred, discontinue the old card to avoid adding to your debt. Also, keep in mind that new credit inquires can negatively affect your credit score.
Gleba & Associates
If you carry a balance on your credit cards, you could be spending hundreds, if not thousands, on interest charges each year. Fortunately, many cards offer introductory rates that can lower interest or even bring it down to zero temporarily if you transfer a balance. Just check for balance transfer fees first to make sure the savings are worth any cost, and be wary of potential pitfalls. Once a balance is transferred, discontinue the old card to avoid adding to your debt. Also, keep in mind that new credit inquires can negatively affect your credit score.